To The Philippines

The poem written by Rizal reminds us Filipinos to love our motherland. No matter what happens we should not forget where we came from and still be thankful for the identity that was bestowed to us and give pride to our motherland for all the tragedies that happen from the past.

A glowing and fair like a houri on high,
Full of grace and pure like the Morn that peeps
When in the sky the clouds are tinted blue,
Of th' Indian land, a goddess sleeps.

The light foam of the son'rous sea 
Doth kiss her feet with loving desire;
The cultured West adores her smile
And the frosty Pole her flow'red attire.

With tenderness, stammering, my Muse
To her 'midst undines and naiads does sing;
I offer her my fortune and bliss:
Oh, artists! her brow chaste ring
With myrtle green and roses red
And lilies, and extol the Philippines!

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